I am a first grade teacher who decided to get healthy and lose weight. I lost about 115 pounds in a year and a half. I wanted to get healthy and start my family. I am now moving on to the "family" part of my journey in life. Update (Jan 2015) - I am so lucky to finally have the family I wanted. I have 2 kids (ages 4 and 1). My weight is still down 70 pounds but the life changes getting back to goal weight is DIFFICULT. I have also recently taken a new job at school as an instructional coach.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Early Weigh-In
Last night's workout was challenging. Lots of sweat. I have worked my way up to running at 4 minute intervals on the treadmill during warm-up. Not bad since my fear is losing my footing, falling, flying off the treadmill and damaging my face.
Am I the only one with this fear? What are your public workout fears?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Inclement Weather Day
- Oprah (Monday and Tuesday) - teens facing weight issues - this was really good
- Biggest Loser - Wow! I think this game is going to change a little. What a competition!
- Fat Free Fiances (on FLN) - This show is really good but I do not see the weight loss as sustainable.
- Buldging Brides (on FLN) - pretty decent, yet again not very sustainable weight loss.
- Diet Tribe (on Lifetime) - This is a group of friends that at times seem slightly dysfunctional but they are sweet and the trainer cares and is super cute.
Even with all these inspiring shows, my training sessions, increased ability to jog/run, weight watcher meetings, awesome blog posts, and incredibly generous complements from everyone I still find it hard to get my act together and stick with everything. It is like I lost my balance and trying to find it again is sooooo hard. Is this true for anyone else? I mean I would think that by the end of January I would have my sh*t together by now. I am doing it all but it does seem harder than it was before the holidays.
Also, tomorrow is my husband's birthday. So I am going to cheat and move my at home weigh-in to Thursday morning. Just for this week. Next week I will go back to Friday. I do not think it will hurt. I do not plan on being too bad but we are going to one of our favorite places and they have what we call our "death row" meal. You know, if you were allowed one more meal before you die, what it would be and where it would be from. Yup - some serious Irish nachos for me.
Well good luck to everyone this week and I will try and go to turbo kick-boxing before my death row meal tomorrow to try and alleviate some of my guilt.
Peace out!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday Home Weigh-In
Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Time to Sweat!

Pictures 2 and 3 - Me after I really worked today (blurry but still sweaty). Do not be fooled there is also a sports bra under there drenched in sweat.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Wanna See Something Gross?

Picture 2 - Holy Cow!
The before pics we were looking for were not for this blog. My friends and family are not aware of this blog yet. I am not sure when/if I will tell them. There are all super supportive but I feel like this something I have to do for me. Create my own support system that does not always involve them.
But I thought that these pics were too funny not to share. I am not sensitive about my weight so let the comments fly! Especially since I no longer look like that. Tomorrow is a trainer day and I will try to get a nice sweaty workout pic. Since everyone else is doing it I will show me at my loveliest.
So...stay tuned.
Monday, January 19, 2009
My New Obsession
Crossing my legs!
I know this may sound ludicrous to other people (especially smaller people) but it has been so long since I was comfortable doing it that I want to do it all the time! And I do. I do it when I read the kids a story at school (about 5-6 times a day), when I sit absolutely anywhere in public, even at home when I am alone. I am aware that I am not as graceful at it as others. I think it will get better and easier the more I lose.
When I was bigger I would look at people in waiting rooms and think, "man look at that show-off, crossing her legs." I know this was the little green monster in me and that other people do not think crossing their own legs for their own comfort would offend anyone, but in my head, it did.
But that is a thing of the past now. I am now the offensive person in the waiting room. I have to admit.....I kind of like it!
May the leg crossing continue! Has anyone else discovered new obsessions with weight loss?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Did You See My New Key Chain?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday's Weigh In
That said, after my "lady troubles" and crappy eating (one dangerous meal with lots of french fries and sodium-YUM) last week my weight was WAY UP. To be honest, I ate bad Friday night, ate well and worked out on Saturday, stepped on the scale Sunday morning to see 254.5. Now that pissed me off. That meant I was up 6 pounds in a week. I was praying at least some was water weight. So all week I ate well, drank lots of water, did my workouts (4 trainer sessions this week).
The result? Yesterday's weigh-in was 246.5. That is down 8 pounds since Sunday and a grand total of 42 pounds since July. I am happy now. I feel like I can finally get back to normal. I feel like I lost a month of work somehow from all this and that sucks. I will not travel so much next year.
My trainer said my new goal is to be a size 10 by May. I laughed loudly at this. I had to tell him that I came out of the womb a size 12 and have never been a 10. He thinks it is possible. I question his sanity. I did make other goals he set that I thought were impossible, so who knows.
My goal? I seriously would like to be able to wear pants without having what looks like a butt in the front and be able to tuck in a shirt. Oohhh, and wear a belt. I also have a spectacular swimming pool in my backyard that I designed and spent all summer in last year so I guess looking better in bathing suits would be nice too. Not so much for me, as for all my guests. Perhaps I could get a swimsuit without a skirt attached to it. It's been a good four years since that has happened I believe.
I wonder what you all have as ultimate goals? Dress sizes? Numbers on the scale? Feeling good inside? Running a marathon (why do so many people who lose weight do this?)? I hope you meet your goals, whatever they are.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Training Troubles
Do you ever get that tight, squinchy (is that a word? it is a feeling I have) muscle ache feeling? Like the muscles will never relax? That feeling has stuck with me and for today's training session he decided to do more foam rolling of my muscles and extra stretching.
For anyone who has not been foam rolled, it sucks. This super buff trainer takes a long circular piece of foam (I have graduated to what amounts to a metal bar) and he puts as much pressure/weight on it as he can and rolls it over your already sore and knotted muscles. I think this is where the term "no pain, no gain" came from.
So he did this for about 20 minutes today. He does this to me every chance he gets. Why? Because I am whiny and deserve to be punished and I have muscles that are a flexible as tire rubber.
His advice (and mine to avoid the roller) - STRETCH. Stretch til you feel it and hold it. Stretch at least once a day.
Off to stretch (again).....you should too!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I Made Weigh-In!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Need Cheese For That Whine? YES!!
It is easier to take upto 4 imodium per day (read today), advil for pain, pepto, attempt to workout, still walk the dogs (but not too far from a toilet), go to the grocery store at 6am so your husband has sprite and pudding (his comfort foods - not mine), keep doing the 7 loads of laundry that someone else could have done on Sunday while I was sick, cook dinner (because you are starving from lack of food), finally eat and when the imodium weakens - bam! you have to pause the Biggest Loser about a dozen times to use the restroom. Since you do all this you get about 4 hours of sleep and get to work on it all again the next day.
Not the best week of my life I must admit. However, we are still very fortunate to have each other and our general health so I will shut up about DEATH FLU for a while.
So who saw Biggest Loser? Can you believe the twist at that first weigh-in??? That is CRAY-Z!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Missed Another Weigh-In
The reason I missed? Well, after working out again on Saturday morning I was as sore as I could be. My best friend (and workout buddy) has twin babies so it is always better if I go to her house to hang out (what is baby proofing anyway?). I went over and made us a nice healthy dinner with lots of vegetables (read raw carrots here). Around 10:00 pm I knew what was coming. I had to leave right away (her house was having plumbing issues). I was struck with the DEATH FLU.
There is no other term for something so awful. I was exhausted and super sore and had to heave myself out of bed every 15 minutes (no exaggeration - just ask my husband) from 10:30 until 6:30 the next morning. Eventually it slowed to every hour and then I think my body just gave out. I hardly moved from bed and could not face all the new, super pumped new Weight Watcher members. Also, spreading something as awful as DEATH FLU is pure evil.
The upside - I lost that 3 pounds from holiday.
The other hard part was today was the 1st day back at school and I was not sure I would make it through. I did it! But when training time came I could not imagine jumping, running, and crunching abs so I will have to move one workout to the end of the week.
So tonight has been lots of cleaning, laundry, and cloroxing every surface I have been in contact with. At least until my husband gets it.
May you all stay healthy and try not to miss your weigh-ins!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Annual Doc's Visit
In other random thoughts: is anyone else excited about the new season of Biggest Loser starting on Tuesday?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Sorry Y'all - I'm "Special"
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!!