I am a first grade teacher who decided to get healthy and lose weight. I lost about 115 pounds in a year and a half. I wanted to get healthy and start my family. I am now moving on to the "family" part of my journey in life. Update (Jan 2015) - I am so lucky to finally have the family I wanted. I have 2 kids (ages 4 and 1). My weight is still down 70 pounds but the life changes getting back to goal weight is DIFFICULT. I have also recently taken a new job at school as an instructional coach.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Blame it on the Rain!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Things Heard...
- Monday - you don't look that big for someone who is about to pop.
- Tuesday - Are you sure you are going to make it another few weeks?
- Today (Thursday) - man, we need to get you to a hospital, you are so ready.
- Today (Thursday from my team at work) - #1 - man, look at your feet! You need to stop walking on them #2 - I can tell she is super swollen from her hands (then someone presses on my ankle to show how much fluid is in there) Me - I know, I am getting some cankles, impressive isn't it?
Everyone sees things differently. I tried on some regular clothes (tops only) yesterday that I wore last fall. Hilarious! God I miss clothes. Here is what I miss:
- Sleeping on my belly
- Diet coke daily
- Shoes that aren't tight
- Pants with buttons and zippers
- Margaritas
- All the clothes I bought last year after I worked so hard to lose weight
- Sleeping on my belly
Someday these things will come back to me. You just never realize how good something is until it is gone - even if it is temporary.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sam I Am
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What an Astronomer Studies

Saturday, September 11, 2010
34 Weeks Pregnant - Still
Sunday, September 5, 2010
What Pregnancy Has Done to Me
Example #1 - I was trying to sing a song with my two year old twin god daughters when I had to ask best bud "who is the dude who went to town riding on a pony?" I could remember all the words but Yankee Doodle.
Example #2 - the day I had to call the vet to see if I ever got my male dog fixed because I thought I found testicles. I had him neutered 7 years ago. The vet drew me a diagram this weekend of a doggie erection (sorry, but he did) to explain the lumps. Testicles do not grow back. (For the record I never thought they grew back, I just could not remember if they had been removed).
I am sure there are more examples I am just choosing not to remember at the moment. All is well here, just trying to last out the rest of this pregnancy so I can start getting my body back to normal. I am having a super great weekend! Hope you are too.
Went to the doc on Friday. Baby girl is good, still measuring a little large but it is still fine. I have decided to stop looking at the scale and asked them not to tell me. I have decided that she is healthy and I eat pretty well and am still exercising so I am going to gain what I am going to gain. This way I will not resent pregnancy and definitely not my daughter (I could never resent her, no matter how big I get). I will just have to work really hard to get it all off.
In other news, I tried on my fat pants. You know the pair or two you save from when you were at your heaviest for comparison? Well they are still too big in the belly and I am 8 months pregnant now. I was shocked and pleased. I also decided to run a bit down my street the other day. I can still do it although my back is not a fan and she slams down on my bladder repeatedly. I think I will wait until she is born to take that up again.