Well friends, it has been quite a crazy last few days. Working on school stuff so I can be ready for my sub, ANOTHER baby shower, doc
appt with sonogram and more!
I cannot believe I had another shower and people were so generous again!! Baby girl got TONS of stuff. Over 40 people came to the shower. I work with awesome people. I don't have all the pics yet but here are a few of us eating cake....YUM! I am the second in on the left.

Went to the doc on Friday. I was there for an hour and a half. I totally imagined them doing unspeakable things to me but it was not near as bad as I thought. I will not relive it all for you but I left pretty happy. My blood pressure is on the high side now so I am trying to take it easy. Kind of hard for my personality but I want a healthy baby and no emergency hospital visits or bed rest.
The sonogram looked good. She is measuring back on schedule for her Oct 24th due date. She did flip and is head down now (I am not saying crawling around on my hands and knees did it but I am sure that did not hurt). She is measuring 19 1/2 inches long and weighs about 6 lbs 9 oz. I am dilated 1 cm.
Today I used hundreds of dollars in gift cards. I made hubby go with me to Babies R Us. I hate that store. Always full of dumb people or screaming babies but I was on a mission. I had items to exchange with no receipt, items to return - some with receipts, some without, and a special purchase that I wanted my extra 10% off on. It was quite a good idea I had and it seems to have worked out but it took us well over an hour and waiting in many lines and dealing with many uneducated people. Let's just say part of my deal was placing a special order at the special order desk to get something from the online store. The dude at the counter told me if they did not sell it in the store, he could not order it. I had to explain to him that if I could get it in the store THEN IT WOULDN'T BE A SPECIAL ORDER. He tried it and I was right. Ha! Hubby and I both laughed at him. He was nice but come on.
I hired a cleaning lady. She is coming to deep clean in 8 days. YAHOO!!! I pick things up but I am too big to bend over and scrub. I have gotten so many things from showers I have run out of room, still working on that. I am packing my bag for the hospital. I am hoping to at least make it through next week. Lots of school stuff and best bud will be out of the country. Don't really want to go through this without her.
But the biggest accomplishment? Hubby agreed to baby girl's name today!!
Her name is Evie Friday (the middle name Friday is after my grandfather's family and we have had that picked out from the beginning). It really took us a while on the first name. Although hubby did not want to decide, he did not suggest any names either so I was SHOCKED today when he came in the room and asked if I was sure that should be her name. I told him there is no turning back now. Evie means little life and she sure is a lively one.
Hope all is well in your world. The time is coming soon. I am hoping to be back in pants with real buttons and zipper by the end of the year.