I am a first grade teacher who decided to get healthy and lose weight. I lost about 115 pounds in a year and a half. I wanted to get healthy and start my family. I am now moving on to the "family" part of my journey in life. Update (Jan 2015) - I am so lucky to finally have the family I wanted. I have 2 kids (ages 4 and 1). My weight is still down 70 pounds but the life changes getting back to goal weight is DIFFICULT. I have also recently taken a new job at school as an instructional coach.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Things are all good
I am now 8 months pregnant. Health is good. 1st week of school is over and I survived. I am tired and still trying to do too much stuff but it is good. I have a GREAT class this year and a student teacher one day per week until I go out. My boss wants me to be a trainer of trainers. Meaning she wants me to train the teachers at a staff development day on October 8. She wants me to do it even though I am super pregnant. I told her it was risky but I would do it. Time is flying. Thanks for all your happy thoughts. Hope you are well too!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Being a turd runs in the family!
Sorry all. I am a turd. I have followed many blogs of mamas to be and (as Fat Lazy Guy pointed out) if they did not post for a few days I thought they were in the hospital having a baby. No baby here yet (thank goodness) but getting ready for the new school year so we are busy and confused trying to figure it out.
As for the turdiness running in the family? Well we tried for another sonogram Wednesday. Remember last time she flipped me off? This time she did not do that but she blocked her face with two hands, feet and an umbilical cord. So, 4 sonograms and 0 good pics for a baby book. Turd.
I guess she wants to hold us in suspense. The bits have seen are cute. I have seen a nose, hands, eye socket. I am hoping if you put it all together it will make a cute little girl. I think she will be stubborn so hopefully her cuteness will make up for the frustration she causes.
Well it is the middle of the night and I must nap before the alarm goes off. Have a great weekend!
As for the turdiness running in the family? Well we tried for another sonogram Wednesday. Remember last time she flipped me off? This time she did not do that but she blocked her face with two hands, feet and an umbilical cord. So, 4 sonograms and 0 good pics for a baby book. Turd.
I guess she wants to hold us in suspense. The bits have seen are cute. I have seen a nose, hands, eye socket. I am hoping if you put it all together it will make a cute little girl. I think she will be stubborn so hopefully her cuteness will make up for the frustration she causes.
Well it is the middle of the night and I must nap before the alarm goes off. Have a great weekend!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Mama's Got a Big Ol' Bump!
30 weeks!! 3/4 of the way there.
Just thought I would do a picture update. I have been up at school working getting ready for the new year. Teacher work week starts Monday. I am tired. Shocker, I know. Otherwise we are doing pretty well. Moved too much stuff the other day and I could feel it. So hubby and best bud were awesome and came up and did lots of manual labor for me. As for the mega boxes of text books to be delivered to me this week, well my co-workers will have to help. Poor souls.
A weird thing happened to me today. I went to the post office to mail my folks a package. It is Saturday. The post office is ALWAYS busy. Not today. And there was only one dude working the counter. When I got up there, he said "When are you due? Hmm....let's see, you are due October 12th with a little girl named Miranda." I just stared at him holding my box. I have never seen this guy before in my life. I did tell him I am due around October 14th with a girl but she does not have a name yet. He said "Huh....I was close." I will TOTALLY crap myself if this kid is born on October 12th.
As for other weird things - let's talk blog comments. When I open up my email and see I received a comment from "Anonymous" I always think - awesome, another foreign message about porn. It is always on an extremely old post. But not the past few weeks. I have been getting anonymous comments on old posts that make me laugh. And they are in English. Mostly they are random and don't make a lot of sense but they humor me. Like one the other day just said "blah". Do you all get these? I find them way funnier than porn comments for mail order brides.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
3D Sonogram Day
Today I had my 3D sonogram. I paid for this because I have NO good pictures for a baby book. Here is one of the pictures.
What the hell is that, you ask? I will explain. Evidently I have a very stubborn daughter. She buried herself in the placenta and covered her face with her hand. They put an electric buzzer on my belly, I rolled over, I jumped around, drank juice and did lunges. She. Gave. Me. The. Finger.
This is SOOOOO my kid. As for this shit-ass picture I am sharing? Well, that object in the middle is her arm (to the left is her face). At the end of which, is the hand which - gave. me. the. finger.
Sweet angel girl. We could see that she is FOR SURE a girl. Perhaps she is bitter that she still does not have a name?
Well they are not supposed to do measurements but I asked for some off-the-record numbers. Currently she is about 3.5 pounds.
The lady asked me my due date again. I said October 24th. She said "you're sure?" So I knew that she was getting a different date. Technically she is not supposed to say but since I will not be sharing info with my doc or taking it to the bank she told me the due date she was getting. October 14th. 10 days earlier!! That throws a bit of a wrench in the plans but it is workable. We will see. She comes when she comes and then I really will have to have a name. There are about 5 on the list but no decisions made.
So next week I have to leave work early (1st week back) and drive 30 minutes to attempt another sonogram. I hope she cooperates or she will have a sad looking baby book so far.

This is SOOOOO my kid. As for this shit-ass picture I am sharing? Well, that object in the middle is her arm (to the left is her face). At the end of which, is the hand which - gave. me. the. finger.
Sweet angel girl. We could see that she is FOR SURE a girl. Perhaps she is bitter that she still does not have a name?
Well they are not supposed to do measurements but I asked for some off-the-record numbers. Currently she is about 3.5 pounds.
The lady asked me my due date again. I said October 24th. She said "you're sure?" So I knew that she was getting a different date. Technically she is not supposed to say but since I will not be sharing info with my doc or taking it to the bank she told me the due date she was getting. October 14th. 10 days earlier!! That throws a bit of a wrench in the plans but it is workable. We will see. She comes when she comes and then I really will have to have a name. There are about 5 on the list but no decisions made.
So next week I have to leave work early (1st week back) and drive 30 minutes to attempt another sonogram. I hope she cooperates or she will have a sad looking baby book so far.
Monday, August 9, 2010
I'm Not Complaining (for once).
Went to the doctor on Friday. All is looking well for baby girl and me. Great blood test results from last visit, strong heart beat, awesome blood pressure (after I was on meds for years, I wear this like a badge of honor). I am measuring 32 weeks when I am only 29. They don't seem concerned so I won't be either.
The best part? After months of massive gains - and I mean MASSIVE - I lost a pound. Granted I was on a different scale but at this point I will take anything I can get. Next week will probably be back to big gains but I had this brief shining moment in this pregnancy. It was a different doc than I usually see - maybe that is the magic.
I made an appointment to get a 3D sonogram tomorrow. I will do it if I can find the place. I have no good sonogram pics for her baby book. With my luck, she will have her hand in front of her face or something else (umbilical cord?) will be in the way. Maybe not though. Maybe this will be great.
I FINALLY got done putting all her clothes away. I have one small bag of socks left to sort through. I filled seven dresser drawers, two closet bars, one tub with shoes and 2 more HUGE tubs of clothes (for ages 12 to 24 months). I do not want to fold clothes anymore. I am so grateful to have them all and they are all SUPER cute but man that was a lot all at once. So now her room seems to be done - I am sure something will come up but for the most part, I am happy. Good thing because I officially start back to school next week. I have to start this week when my room is ready because I have to have hubby and best bud help me. I cannot lift and hang and move things like years past. THANK GOD FOR THE HELP OF OTHERS!!
Hope you had a great weekend. I shopped a ton and used almost all giftcards for baby girl stuff. AWESOME!! Target.com has a high def flip camera for $150 if you buy the white one instead of the black one. In the store they are $200. Online it also had free shipping. I heart saving 50 bucks!!
The best part? After months of massive gains - and I mean MASSIVE - I lost a pound. Granted I was on a different scale but at this point I will take anything I can get. Next week will probably be back to big gains but I had this brief shining moment in this pregnancy. It was a different doc than I usually see - maybe that is the magic.
I made an appointment to get a 3D sonogram tomorrow. I will do it if I can find the place. I have no good sonogram pics for her baby book. With my luck, she will have her hand in front of her face or something else (umbilical cord?) will be in the way. Maybe not though. Maybe this will be great.
I FINALLY got done putting all her clothes away. I have one small bag of socks left to sort through. I filled seven dresser drawers, two closet bars, one tub with shoes and 2 more HUGE tubs of clothes (for ages 12 to 24 months). I do not want to fold clothes anymore. I am so grateful to have them all and they are all SUPER cute but man that was a lot all at once. So now her room seems to be done - I am sure something will come up but for the most part, I am happy. Good thing because I officially start back to school next week. I have to start this week when my room is ready because I have to have hubby and best bud help me. I cannot lift and hang and move things like years past. THANK GOD FOR THE HELP OF OTHERS!!
Hope you had a great weekend. I shopped a ton and used almost all giftcards for baby girl stuff. AWESOME!! Target.com has a high def flip camera for $150 if you buy the white one instead of the black one. In the store they are $200. Online it also had free shipping. I heart saving 50 bucks!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Exhausted but Alive!!
I got home from Michigan Sunday night. People cannot believe how much energy I have and how good I feel. Up there I could only sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time and could not get back sleep. I think I am paying for it now. I have been exhausted all week. I was gone for 5 days and my husband was busy! He cleaned all the hand-me-downs out of the attic and stacked everything in baby girl's room. He got the dogs groomed, cleaned carpets, hung new ceiling fans (3 of them), re-organized the garage, trimmed trees and did tons of yard work. I felt kind of bad, when he goes out of town I clean but I also sleep, watch tv and hang out with best bud. So there was work for me to do when I got home.
Monday I had training for work all day (summer is slipping away). Tuesday, thank goodness, best bud, the girls and her hubby came over so she could go through the clothes with me (she is BEYOND generous loaning us her stuff - all the hand-me-downs have come from her). Here is about half the clothes we went through.
I spent Wednesday at the waterpark with best bud and the girls and sorting clothes by size. I have not hung and folded yet, I am waiting for the boxes from the Michigan baby shower to arrive because there are more clothes. This kid will not be naked.
This is the basket of new clothes I have received that need to be washed. I will probably work on that tomorrow.
Just as I was leaving yesterday, the doorbell rang. It was a delivery man with my chair for baby girl's room. It was set up last night. Here is her swing (thanks again best bud) and my chair. This room is getting smaller by the minute. I hope she fits in it when I am finished.
This afternoon I have another training for work and then a workout at the gym. I have been working out still. But this will be my first trip back to the gym in a week. I am still tired. No more traveling. Besides, there are too many clothes to fold to go anywhere now. I am trying to catch up on your blogs as well. Sorry I am such a slacker!
Monday I had training for work all day (summer is slipping away). Tuesday, thank goodness, best bud, the girls and her hubby came over so she could go through the clothes with me (she is BEYOND generous loaning us her stuff - all the hand-me-downs have come from her). Here is about half the clothes we went through.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Showered with Love
What? Another baby shower for my baby without a name? Why yes. This time in Michigan. This was hosted by my family. The reason the cake says Baby Friday Ferguson is because she does have a middle name. Friday - it is my mother's maiden name. Tribute to my grandpa (he is the last Friday).
I love presents for baby girl. In this box was a memory box. One of the coolest gifts I have ever received. It was gifted by my oldest friend (we were locker mates in middle school).
Okay this is kind of random. My mom's cousin and granddaughter. We call her cousin Ellie and she is so damn cute I want to pick her up and bounce her on my knee!

These two wonderful ladies are my aunts. They hosted and did a super magnificent job. They also gave the baby tons of gifts.
They're the three best friends that anyone could have....the three best friends....(can you name the movie from which I robbed that song?). Neither of these girls are best bud that I speak of ALL the time but in high school we were a load of trouble.

My bud Kim has a flare for photography so you get some neato pictures.

An extra gift from my ma. Strawberry Shortcake purse/lunchbox. I was OBSESSED with her when I was growing up.

My aunts came up with this neat way of packaging up little gifts.

A Michigan State bear. I LOVE that university. My undergraduate degree is from there. Some of the best times of my life.

Niece Cami, Ma, me and my sister. My sister and I have different moms - I assume that is why we look so different.
The only belly shot of the day.
After the shower, I went out with my folks to a pub. The bartenders call my mother "the mojito lady." After, we came home and my father drank a Corona tall boy. Their puppy wanted to finish it. Can you tell my family likes to get their drink on?
Baby girl really cleaned up. LOTS of gifts that my aunts are now mailing to my house and hundreds of dollars in gift cards. I am blown away by everyone's excitement and generosity.
These two wonderful ladies are my aunts. They hosted and did a super magnificent job. They also gave the baby tons of gifts.
My bud Kim has a flare for photography so you get some neato pictures.
An extra gift from my ma. Strawberry Shortcake purse/lunchbox. I was OBSESSED with her when I was growing up.
My aunts came up with this neat way of packaging up little gifts.
A Michigan State bear. I LOVE that university. My undergraduate degree is from there. Some of the best times of my life.
Niece Cami, Ma, me and my sister. My sister and I have different moms - I assume that is why we look so different.
Hope you all are having a super weekend. Heading home in a few hours.
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