Friday, July 24, 2009

Weigh In

Man I HATE my lady troubles!! Evil bastard body. I must admit I had to do a "sneak peek" on Monday because my trainer wanted to see if I hit under 200. Now this was after my weekly cheat meal (including ice cream, yum) so I was fine when I saw 201. I did not weigh again until today.

This is the worst bloaty, painful, water-retaining day of my troubles (of course). I had that same talk with myself.....last week I lost a lot, you worked as hard as you possibly could have, your body has changed, the number does not matter.

But I have to say I was disappointed to see 201 again today. Overall, a half pound gain since last Friday. What did I do? Weigh myself 3 more times for accuracy (and yup it was). Which I guess means last week's weigh-in was no fluke so that is good. After that I got dressed and worked out all morning like I had planned. In fact, I am about to motor out the door to another Zumba class. I feel so much better after I workout, so that has helped me ignore the number today.

Hope you all have better results this week. I really want next week to be better. Really only because I am so close to onederland. Fingers crossed.


S. said...

You will be below 200 in no time, especially as hard as you work!

jo said...

Oh, that stupid Aunt Flo.

Well, we'll be celebrating onderland with you next week!

It's only a number, but that number can really mean a lot at times.


Unknown said...

The confetti is ready and waiting for your celebration into ONE-derland! :) Soon, very soon! :)

Shelley said...

Ah that sucks! But I know that your patience will be rewarded next week - onderland, here you come!

wildfluffysheep said...

One-derland fo'sho next week! :D easy peasy. man i best get over this plateau or there will be hell to pay.

that time of the month sucks. i cant see the scale moving my body is definitely changing.

patience is a virtue lol so other non waiting people tell me...

Fat[free]Me said...

Next week you will have done it - onederland will be yours!

Lisa said...

You are on your way to onederland.... It is just around the corner! Keep up with the exercise... you can do it!