First of all....THANK YOU for leaving all your comments and thoughts on yesterday's post. I am taking note (literally with pen and paper) of your suggestions. Many of these websites I have not heard of. I knew you were the peeps to ask. If you have not commented on yesterday's post, please do. I read all comments and seriously consider all suggestions.
So on to today. Quite an interesting day. First of all, I weighed in. I saw 174.8. That was my lowest weight ever. Finally back down to that weight (saw it on Thanksgiving weekend so it's been a while). There have been some eating episodes in the past few weeks (and a dream about chocolate cake that started the gain), lady troubles and a couple of small margaritas. However, there have been many calories burned and hours spent inside a gym (or 3 gyms) as well. I am trying to balance. I worked like a dog for that number and I am happy to see it again. Especially since I leave tomorrow (or is it now today?) for my holiday with the in-laws (whom I love but they live on a farm - BORING....sigh). I will continue to exercise and attempt to keep gains to a minimum (especially since my parents are coming here next week).
I bet you are wondering about the photos. No? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway.
Photo #1 is my New Year's eve outfit. What do you think? Just kidding. Best bud and I went to Kohls tonight, way too late and saw these gems and had to try them on. Man they make everything look like a trouble area. Don't tell the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I stole his duds.
Photo #2 is me reading your blogs in my living room. This is the night before new carpet. Hideous, nasty carpet. Thank goodness it is gone. We drove it to the dump early this morning. A romantic date with the hubby before work.
Photo#3 are the sweetest, cutest darling girls ever (best bud's twin daughters and my god daughters), me and one of my dogs (the good one who never tries to bite) hanging out in my finished living room (the couches and tables we got are nice, perhaps I will post another photo later of those)
Photo #4 is me tonight. I look all waxy and shiny but that is just the stupid camera. I took this picture to capture an NSV. Those my friends, are size 10 jeans. I have NEVER been a size 10. I tried on 2 pairs of pants that size and a dress and they all fit! I wore the jeans all night and even after eating no one was in danger of losing an eye from a projectile button. Score!! Also, did you notice that nice new (non-pet stained) carpet?
What a day! Great time with the scale. Better time shopping for jeans. Best time trying on tacky (horribly unflattering) clothes and laughing with best bud.
I will consider this my Christmas. Today made me smile many times. Even though I went out for lunch and dinner and consumed many calories, I have never felt so thin. I feel really good. I hope you all get to enjoy your holiday this much.
LOL at that top picture - I think I would prefer an outfit that is a tad quieter!
Just read your last post (and the comments) most interesting. Having enjoyed the journey sans clubs, I too did consider joining one, but really don't want to spend the money - or time that could be spent on other activities.
I must admit too, to feeling a bit on my own and a bit scared to be honest.
Those suggestions were very helpful and I shall be pondering on them.
Have a great holiday (on a farm - boring? BORING?? I would be in hog heaven, lol)!
love the top one....it's like the eighties meets a vomiting neon squirrel with biker boots.
Love the jeans at the bottom.
My goal for july is size ten..skinny woman lol.
Keep up the great work!
Lookin' good! And that first outfit rocks!!!
I saw the carpet photo and thought, "Is THAT the new carpet? Yikes!" :-)
You look GREAT in those size 10's girl!
- Lisa
LOVE the outfit. Hahaha, isn't it so much fun dressing up like a fool with friends sometimes?! :)
You look great (minus the clothes in pic #1.) BTW, Congrats on getting into those size 10's - I'm proud and pretty jealous of you.
Sounds like you have a lot of great things going on and your in such a joyous holiday spirit. . . keep it going!
Best to you!
I love the top picture- I can't believe Kohl's is selling clothes like that!
You are looking really great! Congrats on the size 10's!!
HAHA! I loved that you took a pic of that HORRIBLE outfit! lol The REAL outfit that you had on in the last picture was cute! You looked great- congrats on reaching a new LOW on the scale! YOU ROCK! :)
On your place I would arrive differently.
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