I took these 3 photos at my husband's grandparent's house (and it was full of people so it was not easy). There are just walls of what I call "crap" in this place that I am DYING to get pictures of but I do not have the guts to take those pics because the rooms are filled with relatives.
These were 3 things I was curious about though.
Picture #1 - the phone. Weren't these called rotary phones? I called them dial phones (I know all phones dial, I am special like that). But I think years ago (or decades) people were told that these phones do not support the 911 service (I could be wrong). Now if I were in my 80s and I fell alot (like these folks tend to do) I would make sure I had one of those buttons you push on a necklace or a portable machine to tap out some morse code asking for help. Or maybe....a cordless, push-button phone. I can understand no cell phone because they live in the middle of NOWHERE and reception sucks. But anything is better at giving you chance at calling for help than dragging your body across the room, sticking your big, arthritic fingers in the holes (you would have to feel for the right ones) and turning the dial 3 times just to find no one on the other end of the line.
Picture #2 - the bathtub in the main bathroom. Did I tell you this family is full of farmers? Yup. Farmers (and grandma was a school bus driver). In Kansas. In the middle of NOWHERE in the United States of America. So I am curious as to why the wall in the bathtub has the Taj Mahal on it. I asked my husband last year. He never thought about it. It has always been there (that he remembers). No one has ever asked about it. You're not curious? Just me? Also - why are there boots in the tub?
Picture #3 (disturbs me the most) - I took this in the doll room. I also like to think of it as my nightmare. I would NEVER sleep at this house just because this room exists. C-R-E-E-P-Y!! Hello? Do you see the bags on their heads? Who does that? Is it to keep their hair nice? Then why don't all of them have bags on their heads? Were these the bad dolls that must be suffocated? What if this gives the dolls ideas and they come to life and choose to do this to me? I literally had to shut the door to this room and return to the living room and stare at the ceramic bust of Jesus who watches me while I eat dinner.
I was at my in-laws for 4 solid days. I was so excited to go the 3 miles down the road to the grandparent's house. These were some of this things that greeted me there. Boredom really makes your mind work in wacky ways. Perhaps that is why their house has these things.
You can leave me hateful comments but I just felt the need to share. It was like having a secret I just HAD to tell.
On another note - I am de-crappifying my body today which makes me feel a bit like I am in detox. And this is only from like a day and a half of bad eating but there was a lot of caffeine for multiple days. Dude this sucks.
And it is not over yet. My folks fly in tomorrow for about 5 days. And then there is New Years. I will keep with exercise and lots of water. I must. At least I will get more presents!! Hope you enjoy your week!
This is why you are my bestie...
I too wonder about the taj mahal.
I would come up with some story, like the farmer's wife always wanted to travel but couldn't...so he put in the tub and told her that if He were a rich prince he would have built the taj mahal just for her because he loved her so much. Or something....my imagination.
The dolls.....well...
I got nothin'. And I had a rotary phone in germany...
It took about fifteen numbers to call back to the us.
screw one up and you got to cuss as you redialed the whole friggin thing.
Oh my God! The dolls! That is way creepy and scary and horrifying. But it cracks me up. :)
I kind of like the Taj Mahal bathtub wall. I mean, it's kind of cool. I've never seen anything like that. Only in Kansas I guess.
Too funny!
LOL, I love old folk!
I now want the Taj Mahal in my bathroom - way cool.
I am old enough to remember those old phones, sigh.
And am also rather disturbed about the polythene bag-headed dolls.
Bless the adorable old folks though, bet they are interesting people, eh?
That is freakie! My husband's grandma has a similar motif going in her home... lots of crap. It is bad. And freaky. And we do have to stay there when we visit... fortunately she does not have a freaky doll collection.
Freaky Dolls...too funny,thanks for sharing.
My mother-in-law (age 90) has a lamp like that. I know that someday it will be mine. Oh dear.
Why is Grandma killing the dolls?
Great post - between these pictures and your meat picture in the previous post, I am loving what you see through your lens!
OMG! I loved this post! You are too funny! I dont understand the mural on the shower wall either- very odd! lol HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Seriously I was laughing so hard I woke the baby in my arms.
I love the bad dolls, now which ones are bad, the ones with bags or without?
Thanks for this laugh!
You are hilarious. But it's not just grandparents that commit these errors of taste. Although by and large it does tend to be individuals over 60 or so.
BODA weight loss
i have yet to read those books you sent me. i will get on that.
lots of new pictures girly. i likey.
i need to decrappify too.
but i know new year is gonna be badddddd.
christmas was the worst for food. dang.
I grew up with a rotary phone. Used to be Ma Bell graced you with a phone and you were responsible. I think there were fines if you broke it or whatever. Maybe that's why they keep it, still fear incurring the wrath of AT&T.
LOL I did not notice the bags on the dolls' heads until you mentioned it. That is extra creepy. But funny.
The wallpaper ... maybe it was once the 'thing' in a spa feeling? Maybe one of them dreams of going to India.
This takes me back to when i was living with my grandparents :)
Okay, I'll "weigh" in here because I collected dolls during one miserable period of infertility and I'm not even 80! Obviously, grandma has quite a collection of Chrissy dolls going here and is protecting their hair, face paint, eyelashes, etc., with the plastic. Yes, there is a world of doll collectors and I guarantee you, those dolls are probably worth some money (1960s mod era). The rotary phone, I have no way of explaining because it appears to actually be in use, not a collectible! (They sell these in antique stores now!)
I, too, shall see you in the firey place :)
ummm Pic #3, bags on heads.....
OMG this post is cracking me up!!! I love the mural of the Taj in the bathroom, that is priceless! The dolls would freak me out, too...
Haha! I love rotary dial phones. Just because they're kind of quirky. But yeah, impractical.
And the dolls are awesomely creepy! I remember the horror movie Dolls :D Hilarious :D
And who doesn't need a Taj Mahal in their bathroom? ;)
This post made me laugh. :) Thanks!
Ha!! I actually DID take a picture of my grandma's doll room - my excuse was that I knew someone who was a doll collector. twitpic.com/5irp8
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