Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is Why I LOVE Wal-Mart!

I will get to the Wal-Mart story in a minute.

First I just want to say, I did not weigh-in this week. I am in the midst of my lady troubles, need I say more? For the most part, I stuck to my 1600 calorie healthy diet. I did eat some Mexican food on Thursday night. I am still running/walking with the dogs every morning. Still working out with my trainer, although he did cancel on me once this week so I only had 3 training sessions and in order to make up for it now I will have 5 training sessions next week. Super duper! So I plan on eating a special Easter feast tomorrow. I will weigh-in on Friday. I do not think I will see a huge loss but I think I am doing alright.

My current milestone? I have hit the same weight as my husband. He is not aware of this, but I am. I am excited to weigh less than him again. He is trying to lose some weight as well. We are both so competitive that I do not want to tell him. But it is a secret competition in my head.

So now for Wal-Mart. I HATE going to the real super Wal-Marts. They are too big and crowded and the clientele leaves a lot to be desired in my neighborhood (if you are a customer there, sorry - I am not talking about you). I am soooo a Target girl. I am not retarded, I do realize that you can find just about anything there and they are leaps and bounds cheaper than any other store.

So my best bud (and her twins) and I both had to go there tonight. So we each got a cart (with a baby in it) and walked around the store shopping. Now let me tell you here (if you don't already know) that my best bud is who hooked me up with my trainer. She and I started my journey together with two shared training sessions a week last summer. We are supposed to share 1 to 2 training sessions a week now but she cannot make it a lot of times because there is no one to watch the babies. She told me this week that it is a waste of her money so she was going to stop going. This I totally understand. I love working out with her but I am all about getting my money's worth.

Tonight, as we turned down an aisle (her walking behind me), she says "Wow! You have a waist! Who knew?" I find this really funny. I have a waist - a huge one, but it was still a cute comment. Then she says "If I become the fat friend, I am going to be mad." This is also funny because: a. she would actually be mad but b. she has never been fat and is not the type to ever become fat. She also said "Do you have a hand mirror at home because you need to see how skinny you look from behind, I am not kidding." She says the nicest things. She is so supportive that I literally could not have done this without her.

Now about two aisles later, is where the Wal-Mart clientele come into play. These two ladies see me and one of the twins come around the corner and they are all excited and talking to the baby and then when the other comes around the corner they are like "Oh my god! They are twins! How cute! What are their names?" I proceed to tell them their names and then tell the ladies that they belong to my best bud. One of them responds "Really? I totally would have thought they were yours. You all have the same fat face."

Now I take absolutely no offense to this comment because: a. these girls are soooo cute I would be lucky to have kids that cute and sweet. b. I am a realist and am very aware that I have a fat face. c. I do not fault people for honesty.

I just have to say that nothing like this ever happens to me at Target.

So after all those complements from my best bud, I get the end the trip like that. However, I wonder now if my best bud will continue our shared personal training sessions. Time will tell.

I have rambled on (procrastinated) enough. I need to get going on stuff for tomorrow's Easter dinner (which my best bud, hubby and god daughters will be coming over for). I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all, just don't eat too much candy!


Deb said...

I appreciate people's honesty too. But there is also such a thing as tact and minding-your-own-damn-business. Sheesh! What is wrong with people?

I am with ya though....I cannot stand to go to WalMart. It's Target only for me. It's worth a slightly hirer price to shop in a clean, organized store and to not have to wait in a line a mile long to get checked out.

Unknown said...

LOL I laughed at your Wal-mart story...mostly cuz yeah the typical shopper there is not really someone that I would wanna hang out with. lol I love shopping at Super walmart but its gotta be the last place on my list to go. lol First its far away from me...35 min away and I will not shop there alone. I tend to stock up and need help carrying all of the bags! lol I also have a weird thing about weekend shopping way! lol
I like that your friend gave you compliments! Thats great! Oh and I like your secret competition to weigh less than your Husband! :) I am working on that too! But shhh its a secret! lol


Shelley said...

Hi, I just found your cute blog.

You are doing so well with your weight loss and exercise! I started using a trainer about 10 weeks ago and it's made a huge difference already. I laughed at your tire-flipping post - I've flipped a tire (once). Darn hard!

Oh, and HATE Walmart - it's Target or nothing for me!